Studying Again

Hello friends.

So apparently, I’ll be starting studying again. I applied at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne (the original name being Kunsthochschule für Medien), and was accepted after examination of my work, and an interview. I’ll be taught the practice of art, and be guided through the development of my skills and creative abilities, along with some projects and nice acquaintances. Or at least that’s what I hope to find there. Here I wanted to share the good news with you! I’m really looking forward to starting the courses in October. I also wanted to share the pieces I provided the examination board. We were assigned a theme, and had to provide 2 pieces : a written one, and an artistic creation. Yeah those two can overlap, but I don’t want to enter this debate right now. The theme this year was «p o l y p h o n ». The funny thing is, the restaurant where I work is really old school, it was opened around the 50’s, and has a few journals pasted on the walls, some of them mentioned Polyphon. Turns out it used to be a brand for music devices, that at the time were probably cutting edge technology. It inspired me the following video :

The titles say « The new device », « New sound », « New »

The idea was to create a fake ad, that follows the trends of nowadays technology devices, but with an old school look to it. I just thought it’d be funny to see what an iPhone ad would look like if it had been shot in the 50’s. The advertising industry was only getting started with video, or about to start. And technology was completely different from now. Now this isn’t an accurate depiction of what it could have been, but I thought the idea was metaphoricaly resonant, if that means anything… It was created with a 3D software, and some compositing for the finishing touches.

Now for the written part, I’ve written a fake scientific article :


You can download it and read it if you want. It’s about cognition, and how the increase in media exposure via new technology evolved some of our abilities to connect with others. It’s about 5 little pages. And the funny thing with this one, is that I watched season 2 of Sense8 recently, and they propose the exact same theory that I propose here. Of course, it’s all fictional, but I was blown away that one of my ideas was found in such a cool show.

Anyhow. Thanks for reading, and until next time, take care of yourselves!


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